Research Areas: Animal Protection (Animal Welfare and Animal Rights)

Darcy Ingram, “The Strange Case of Henry Bergh’s ‘Declaration of the Rights of Animals,” Society and Animals 30 4 (2022): 479-91 (Online Publication Date: 30 January 2020).

Keywords: Declaration of the Rights of Animals; animal protection; animal welfare; animal rights; American SPCA; New York; Henry Bergh; social movements; history; nineteenth century

Darcy Ingram, “Imagining Animal Rights in Nineteenth-century New York: Satire and Strategy in the Animal Protection Movement,” Journal of Historical Sociology 32 2 (2019): 244-57.

Keywords: animal protection; animal welfare; animal rights; American SPCA; New York; Henry Bergh; social movements; history; nineteenth century

Darcy Ingram, “National Aspirations and Governance Networks in Canada’s Animal Welfare Movement,” British Journal of Canadian Studies 30 1 (2017): 91-113.

Keywords: animal protection; animal welfare; animal rights; social movements; governance; Canada; history; nineteenth century; SPCA

Darcy Ingram, “Wild Things: Taming Canada’s Animal Welfare Movement,” in Joanna Dean, Darcy Ingram, and Christabelle Sethna, eds, Animal Metropolis: Histories of Animals in Urban Canada. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2017.

Keywords: animal protection; animal welfare; animal rights; social movements; gender; Canada; history; nineteenth century; SPCA

Darcy Ingram, “Beastly Measures: Animal Welfare, Civil Society, and State Policy in Victorian Canada,” Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes 47 1 (2013): 221-52.

Keywords: animal protection; animal welfare; animal rights; social movements; governance; Canada; history; nineteenth century; SPCA